How to Protect Hummingbird Habitats

Plant native flowers like bee balm and salvia to provide nectar. Avoid pesticides to keep their food sources safe. Install feeders and clean them regularly.

Create shelter with trees and shrubs for nesting. Provide water sources like birdbaths or misters. Keep cats indoors to prevent predation on hummingbirds.

Avoid using chemical fertilizers that can harm hummingbirds. Support local conservation efforts and advocate for protecting natural habitats. Spread awareness in your community.

Place decals on windows to prevent collisions. Keep bird feeders clean to prevent disease transmission. Join citizen science projects to help monitor hummingbird populations.

Maintain a diverse garden with different flower shapes and colors. Hang ribbons or shiny objects near windows to deter birds. Share your knowledge with others to inspire action.

By taking simple steps like planting native flowers and reducing threats, you can create a safe haven for hummingbirds. Let's work together to protect these beautiful and vital creatures.