How to Foster Hummingbird-Friendly Neighborhoods

Plant native flowers like salvia and bee balm to attract hummingbirds. Provide fresh water sources and avoid pesticides to create a safe habitat.

Hang hummingbird feeders filled with a mixture of water and sugar. Keep them clean and change the nectar regularly to prevent mold growth.

Create sheltered areas with trees and shrubs for nesting and resting. Hummingbirds need places to hide from predators and rest between feedings.

Avoid using chemical herbicides and pesticides in your yard. These can harm hummingbirds directly or by reducing their food sources.

Join local conservation efforts to protect hummingbird habitats. Support initiatives that aim to preserve natural areas and promote biodiversity.

Share your knowledge with neighbors and encourage them to create hummingbird-friendly spaces too. Together, we can make our neighborhoods welcoming for these beautiful birds.