Creating Hummingbird-Friendly Spaces

Choose native plants like bee balm and trumpet vine to attract hummingbirds. Provide water sources like birdbaths and consider adding feeders for supplemental nutrition.

Design a diverse landscape with trees, shrubs, and flowers to offer shelter and nesting spots. Avoid pesticides to protect hummingbirds and their food sources.

Include bright-colored flowers like salvia and zinnias to catch hummingbirds' attention. Plant in clusters to create visual impact and make it easier for hummingbirds to feed.

Create vertical elements like trellises and hanging baskets to maximize space for plants and provide perching spots for hummingbirds. Add rocks or logs for natural perches.

Maintain your habitat by keeping feeders clean and refilling them regularly. Prune plants as needed and monitor for pests. Enjoy watching hummingbirds thrive in your urban oasis.

hummingbird garden