Dog Coat Types 101

Short-haired breeds like Dalmatians have smooth coats that are easy to maintain. They shed minimally and benefit from regular brushing to keep their coat healthy.

Long-haired breeds such as Shih Tzus have coats that require more grooming to prevent matting and tangling. Regular brushing and occasional trims are essential for their coat care.

Wire-haired breeds like the Wire Fox Terrier have coarse, wiry coats that provide protection from the elements. They need regular hand-stripping to maintain their coat's texture and appearance.

Curly-coated breeds like Poodles have dense, curly coats that are low shedding but require frequent grooming to prevent matting. Professional grooming and regular trims are recommended.

Double-coated breeds like Siberian Huskies have a soft undercoat for insulation and a longer outer coat for protection. They shed heavily twice a year and need regular brushing to manage shedding.

Understanding the coat type of your dog is crucial for proper grooming and care. Different coat types require specific maintenance routines to keep your furry friend looking and feeling their best.