Top Cat Breeds for Busy Owners

Abyssinian: Known for their playful and active nature, Abyssinians are independent and can entertain themselves while you're at work.

British Shorthair: Calm and low-maintenance, British Shorthairs are perfect for working owners who want a relaxed companion waiting at home.

Maine Coon: Friendly and sociable, Maine Coons are adaptable to being alone during the day and will greet you warmly when you return.

Ragdoll: Gentle and affectionate, Ragdolls are ideal for busy owners seeking a loving feline companion that enjoys lounging around.

Russian Blue: Intelligent and reserved, Russian Blues are content with their own company and will appreciate your attention when you're available.

Siamese: Vocal and social, Siamese cats thrive on interaction and will eagerly engage with you when you're home from work.