How to Train Your Cat to Come When Called

Start by using your cat's name consistently in a positive tone. Reward them with treats or playtime when they respond to their name. Repeat this training in short sessions daily.

Introduce a clicker to associate the sound with a reward. Click when your cat comes to you and give them a treat. Gradually phase out treats and rely on the clicker as a reward signal.

Use a favorite toy or treat to lure your cat towards you when calling their name. Reward them when they come close. Be patient and avoid punishing your cat if they don't respond immediately.

Practice calling your cat from different locations in your home to reinforce the behavior. Ensure a quiet environment for training sessions and avoid distractions. Consistency is key to success.

Avoid calling your cat for negative reasons like going to the vet or taking medication. Keep the recall command positive and associated with pleasant experiences. Celebrate and praise your cat when they come.

With patience and positive reinforcement, your cat can learn to come when called. Remember to keep training sessions short, fun, and rewarding for your feline companion.