How to Help Your Cat Overcome Fear of Strangers

Start by creating a safe space for your cat away from visitors. Allow your cat to observe strangers from a distance to build trust gradually.

Use positive reinforcement like treats and toys to associate strangers with good experiences. Encourage visitors to ignore the cat at first and let it approach them on its terms.

Provide hiding spots and vertical spaces for your cat to feel secure when strangers are around. Avoid forcing interactions and respect your cat's boundaries.

Gradually expose your cat to different people in a controlled environment to desensitize it to new faces. Be patient and understanding of your cat's fear.

Consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist if your cat's fear of strangers is severe or causing distress. They can provide professional guidance and support.

With time, patience, and positive reinforcement, most cats can learn to feel more comfortable around strangers. Remember to always prioritize your cat's well-being and emotional needs.