The Best Cat Breeds for Allergies

Sphynx cats are hypoallergenic due to their lack of fur. They are affectionate and love attention, making them great companions for allergy sufferers.

Balinese cats have less of the Fel d 1 protein, a common allergen in cats. They are known for their silky, long hair and playful personalities.

Russian Blue cats produce less of the allergen protein, making them a good choice for allergy sufferers. They are intelligent, gentle, and loyal pets.

Cornish Rex cats have short, curly coats that produce less dander. They are energetic, social, and enjoy being the center of attention in the household.

Devon Rex cats have a fine, wavy coat that sheds minimally. They are playful, affectionate, and known for their pixie-like faces, making them popular among allergy sufferers.

Siamese cats are another option for allergy sufferers as they produce less dander. They are vocal, social, and enjoy interacting with their human companions.