Top 6 Concrete Signs You’re In A ‘Flirtationship’

You text all the time, but it’s mostly flirty banter with no real substance or depth. It’s all about the fun and excitement.

You hang out one-on-one often, but it never seems to progress beyond a certain level of intimacy. There’s a lot of teasing and playfulness.

There’s a lot of mixed signals - one moment it feels like there’s something more, and the next it’s back to just being friends.

You both avoid defining the relationship or discussing where things are headed. It’s comfortable to keep things ambiguous.

Your friends often comment on the chemistry between you two, but neither of you has made a move to take it to the next level.

You find yourself daydreaming about what could be, but deep down, you know it’s more about the thrill of the chase than a real connection.