Winterizing Your Perennial Flower Garden

As winter approaches, prepare your perennial flower garden by cutting back dead foliage, mulching to protect roots, and covering delicate plants to ensure a healthy garden next spring.

Prune any overgrown branches and remove weeds to prevent disease and pests from taking hold during the winter months. Consider dividing overcrowded plants for better growth in the coming season.

Protect tender perennials by adding a layer of straw or leaves around the base of the plants. Covering with burlap or frost cloth can shield them from harsh winter winds and freezing temperatures.

Water your perennial garden thoroughly before the ground freezes to provide essential moisture for the dormant period. Avoid fertilizing at this time to prevent new growth that may be damaged by frost.

Consider planting winter-friendly perennials like ornamental grasses or winter-blooming flowers to add interest to your garden during the colder months. Plan for early spring blooms by planting bulbs in the fall.

By following these winterizing tips, you can ensure your perennial flower garden survives the cold season and thrives when spring arrives. Enjoy a vibrant and healthy garden year after year.