Attract Hummingbirds with These Plants and Flowers

Hummingbirds are attracted to bright, tubular flowers like bee balm, salvia, and trumpet vine. Planting a variety of colors and shapes will keep them coming back to your garden.

In addition to flowers, consider adding shrubs like butterfly bush and flowering trees such as red buckeye to provide food and shelter for hummingbirds. Create a welcoming habitat for these beautiful birds.

Avoid using pesticides in your garden as they can be harmful to hummingbirds. Opt for natural alternatives like neem oil or insecticidal soap to protect your plants without putting these delicate creatures at risk.

Native plants are a great choice for attracting hummingbirds as they have co-evolved with these birds and provide the nectar and insects they need. Consider planting native species like cardinal flower and columbine.

Create a hummingbird-friendly garden by incorporating a water feature like a birdbath or small fountain. Hummingbirds need water not just for drinking but also for bathing and keeping their feathers clean.

By choosing the right plants, avoiding pesticides, and providing water sources, you can create a haven for hummingbirds in your own backyard. Enjoy the beauty and grace of these tiny birds all season long.